About Massive Courage
We are living in increasingly challenging times.
Whether you want to change the trajectory of your life and career, or lead significant change, there are many things holding you back. This can be frustrating. And scary. And lonely.
But overcoming those challenges can be incredibly rewarding. And fun!
Creating meaningful change requires curiosity, joyfulness, and playfulness so we can learn and figure things out. To overcome challenges, the process is challenging: intellectually, emotionally, and relationally.
Creating the life you want requires developing the right skills and courage (sometimes massive amounts of courage).
Courage requires bravery (feeling the fear and doing it anyways).
Courage also requires intentional learning to figure things out.
Wisdom is the ability to learn an figure things out effectively.
When we want to make bigger things happen, we need massive amounts of courage. This requires scaling our learning and leveraging greater wisdom.
Massive Courage = scale x (courage + wisdom)
As we build Massive Courage, we gradually create meaningful, sustainable, desired change. The successes built over time generate a deep sense of competence, resilience, and connection. Therefore:
Massive Courage = meaningful fun
Why me
As a college professor of business strategy and a coach to business leaders, I get to help innovators and entrepreneurs navigate their lives and the business world in ways they were not able to before.
Einstein reminded us that the thinking that created our current situation is not the thinking that will allow us to create different outcomes. The thinking we need now is quite different from what most people have learned.
Changing how we think can be:
frustrating (learning anything new always is),
uncomfortable (often we need to challenges our beliefs), and
invigorating (accumulated small wins build pride and the desire for more).
When I help people think - and therefore lead - differently, I help them building Massive Courage.
This blog is a place:
to share what I have learned in my professional, academic, and personal life on building Massive Courage leading to real and sustainable change
to hear what other people are thinking about, how they are stuck, and what they want to help them get unstuck.
Through my unique life, I learned how to quickly understand many different environments, with many different people so that I could survive and thrive. I have been "stuck" many times, and had to get myself "un-stuck" using my own massive courage.
My early life was mostly in Western Canada and was defined by two themes:
it was a very multicultural, historically-rich environment that was incredibly interesting, but also included a lot of trauma, and
we were largely outdoors as I spent a lot of time on farms and ranches and doing sports, which required us to be very self-sufficient and practical.
Once I started 'adulting', I worked in the financial industry internationally and domestically, including working with high-tech entrepreneurs and investors in early-stage companies.
I created successes other people were not able to (validated by 3rd parties). To understand what I was doing differently, I moved into coaching, teaching, and research where I developed a new behaviour change model based on research in learning, neuroscience, polyvagal theory, etc. This model is the basis of much of the work I do now.
I'd love to hear from you:
What is on your mind?
What would you like to create?
How can I help you achieve your goals?
Professor Cat.